How To Come to Gallery Michael Andrew Law
如欲參觀,請先預約: | visitors by appointment only
Whatsapp: +852 6939 6134 | Email: [email protected]
- 以上是乘搭巴士或者港鐵使用電梯到達畫室的地圖, 大概步行5分鐘左右 | Above was when you take bus or MTR , its about 5 mins walk from there ;
若果駕車可以直接拍車到富嘉閣, 管理處會收取$20 一小時 ; 若果乘的士或者Uber 可以告訴司機去富澤花園, 直接在富嘉閣的 U-購超級市場 隔鄰下車 | If Driving you could park at Fu Kar Court, they charge $20/hr , if Taxi or Uber, you could tell Driver goes to "Fortress Garden" then just get off at the U-Select Store of Fu Kar Court ( Fortress garden ).